MyPoem: A Day Off…..

A Day Off…..
A Sunday for me is tough time shall be,
It’s a Holiday for all And everyone is free….

But I’m rushing around like a banyan tree,
Being stable inside and working whole day with zeal…

There is Chicken on the flame smells tempting for the meal,
Can’t control the hungry gaints of the pedigree….

Washing machine is shouting loud,
So the sunshine bright can parch the attire out…

The elder one is reading hard, asking doughts and practising hard,
Wants to learn the content to score the charm…..

And the Younger one is tender and firm, needs attention and yell a lot,
Keep the milky pout face on, Wants to get cuddle into my hands…

Ah! A call just bang the heart, that a troop of guests are near to the door….

What to serve and what to arrange!!
I’m rushing like a frontier mail…

House looks neat and kids should be clean,
And all the above my Face must be pleased …

What a dilemma is my life, especially the Holiday,
Which pretends to be a day offff mine..

Editorial Team (Prerna ki Awaaz)

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