Podcast by Raman ki Duniya, “What is Religion?”

Religion is an ideological term to define any individual, whether he is a Hindu, a Muslim, a Sikh or even a christian. He might be a Buddhist or a Jain or any other to get collaborated with the supreme controlling power and receive spiritual charm to nourish human life.

I believe religion is just like selecting a subject during education to make our identity in the professional world. This gives us designation as an engineer or a doctor or even a manager. In context to Religion we generally do not choose but simply follow the same as our parents do. But in some case if any individual like to change his existing religion, then he can follow any religion .

To get the professional degree we need to study and follow the set structured course along with theory books and practicals to understand the ifs and buts of the subject in their professional life.


Similarly, we need to understand the theory written in holy books and of course we have to execute the practicals in the form of rituals and traditions to explore and implement the purpose of human life….

Term religion sometimes get confused with the discrimination of individuals as per their believes. But I surprise how any human is different from other human just because they follow different religions.

The essence of all the major religions of the world is same i.e. TRUTH and even the purpose is same, that “To lead a better life, united with the power which created us.”

So, the word Religion means Belief. It comes from the Latin word “religare” which means unite. unite and survive freely in this beautiful world without any discrimination of caste/ color/ class/ gender or region.

We all cherish the wonder of God’s creation in the same way as the beauty of nature, the chirps of birds, rhythm of heartbeat and the music of rainfall. We enchanter the call of our mum and love to listen a baby. Then how it is possible that the people get different opinion about God or His blessings.

Difference in different religion is simply because of different origin and different geographical issues which leads to different books in different languages with different examples but one reason to let us understand the purpose of human life.

We can clearly see now, that we all have a destiny which has to be achieved through Dharma i.e. deed, and to fulfill this purpose there are endless opportunities, people and circumstances from where we get this divine peace to illuminate our life and receive a liberty to remove all the negative energy. the negativity which grow with jealous, fear, anger and anxiety keep our mind busy unwantedly and due to which we feel tired and fatigue as well as sick. But when we generate positive energy from affection, trust and humanity we feel relax and gradually our face shows the peace of our mind and we live with charming smile till the end of our journey.

That’s all as of Now, I will share more such relevant topics accordingly. Please share your views in comments. Till then stay safe and stay blessed…

Thank you

Editorial Team (Prerna ki Awaaz)

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